In 2020 Ely and I started to do more and more buddy reads and when we finish we have some great discussion about the book. You can check out the ones posted on Angel Reads as well as Earl Grey Books now. And we had so much fun last year that we decided to do it again this year.
So today we are sharing our thoughts before we jump into the first 3 books of the year that we have pickled. But first Ely what are you most looking forward to this year with our buddy reads?
Ely: That is such a hard question. I’m excited to be doing our buddy reads and discussions again this year. We always have so much fun doing them, so definitely excited in general. I think we’ve got a really great line-up for the first three months as well. I really don’t think I could pick one that I’m most excited about to read. What about you?
A: I have to agree with you there, I like that we’ve got a good range of genres. It’s everything that we both enjoy so much and that is what I love being able to buddy read with you. There are times where we do read the same book and adore it, but read it at different times so our feelings are always different. But I think we are just going to have a great time with all of them.
The Midnight Lie (The Midnight Lie #1) by Marie Rutkoski
A: So for the first month of 2021 we have picked one that we have both had for a little while now. The Winner’s trilogy is one of my favourite fantasy series of all time, I love everything about it. So The Midnight Lie was an auto buy for me. And now I’m so excited that I can read it with you as well. How are you feeling about this one?
E: Well, I feel like we should mention that we were meant to read The Midnight Lie as our November pick, and then our December…and well, obviously neither of those happened so this has been a long time coming. I also consider the Winner’s trilogy to be one of my all-time favourites, so I’m beyond excited to try this one.
A: Okay, okay I’m sorry that I kept on pushing it back but we are getting to it now! I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews about it, but for the most part, they have been positive. I think I’m just ready for some good young adult fantasy. Something I know I haven’t read in a while. What are you most excited about?
E: I’m pretty sure December was my fault, but either way! I’m also just hoping for a really great YA fantasy. I just need something like that this month. I honestly don’t remember much as to what this one is about, apart from the fact there’s some LGBTQ+ representation. That’s kind of a theme with our reads this year, have you noticed that?
A: Ohh yes, we didn’t even plan it that way. But anyway I am super excited to pick this one up in the coming weeks.
Never Seduce a Scoundrel (School For Heiresses #1) by Sabrina Jeffries
A: Now I know this one that we are both super excited for. We’ve both read Sabrina Jeffries before. We’ve read some of the same books, but also we’ve also read some different ones. So I think we both have a good grasp of her. But I’m super excited to start this series and I don’t think there is any better way than reading it with you.
E: I’ve been holding out for this one for ages. After having loved the Royal Brotherhood series, I’ve been desperate to get to this one and to see what it’s all about. I’m sure we’ll end up reading the rest of the series very soon after we finish this first book because that’s just who we are as people.
A: Oh absolutely! I tend to binge romance series, especially historical romance ones. Lucky I have them all so I don’t need to wait. I’m really excited to see where these characters are taken in this story. Most of the series is all new to both of us. And while it’s connected with the Royal Brotherhood series, I can’t wait to see these new characters. What are you most looking forward to with this book and series?
E: I think for me it’s knowing that we’re in good hands. Sabrina Jeffries didn’t let me down with the Royal Brotherhood series, so I feel like it’s probably a given that these are going to be good too. I’m excited about some new characters and to discover how it connects to the previous series. How about you?
A: I’m really excited about that connection as well. I have read two of her series now, the Royal Brotherhood and her current series. So I’m intrigued to see where this one stands with then.
The Extraordinaries (The Extraordinaries #1) by T.J. Klune
A: If you have read any of my posts this year or follow me on social media, you know how much I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune. I grabbed this book so fast when it came out. And I thought it would be the perfect book to buddy read with Ely. As someone who hasn’t picked up a book from Klune yet, how are you feeling about this one?
E: Well, just want to quickly mention I’ll be reading The House in the Cerulean Sea because of Angel this year as well, but more on that later. So basically, it’s going to be a Klune heavy year for me and I’m very excited. But most of the reason I’m excited about this right now is because of the disability representation in here. You should all know by now how important that is to both of us, so I’m happy we’re reading and discussing this together.
A: I have to agree. I’m so excited to see how it’s explored in this one. Klune has been great on his representation in other books he has written, so that makes me super happy. I think it’s also going to be one of those books that are just going to be fun. It’s something different to what we both read – especially as it deals with superheroes, but that makes me more intrigued. How about you?
E: Superheroes is definitely out of my usual realm for books. Obviously, we’re both big Marvel fans, but I don’t know I’ve read anything about superheroes outside of the few comics I’ve tried. I’m excited to give it a go and see how I feel about it.
Well those are the first few books that we are planning to read in the coming months as our buddy reads. Are there any books that you guys would love for us to buddy read? Have you read any of these books? Let’s Chat!