Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by
The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten list that members at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. All bloggers are then welcomed to join. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is:
Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren’t Books) That I’d Like To Own (new bookshelves, bookends, cool bookmark, a bookish shirt, etc. You can add things you DO own if you want).
1. New Book Shelves: At the moment my books are ending up everywhere. They are stacking up on each other and there is still no room at all. So I am in need of a new one. I don’t want nothing to fancy just one that can fit my books.
2.Kindle: I do have a Kobo mini at the moment, but I would really like a Kindle that I can use for multipurpose things and with me going to University next year therefore catching the train everyday a Kindle would be much easier to handle. Which one do you recommended?
3. Movie/Book Room: This has already started actually, after I was lucky enough to pick up a Stand Up from Vampire Academy and as is in my living room place upstairs I thought maybe I should make it to a book and movie room. It’s not the biggest space but we can work with it. So I want to collect more things for this room. If it doesn’t happen now, I hope it does when I get my own house.
4. More Book Related Posters: This sort of goes with number #3. I need book poster for my book and movie room don’t I. I love posters and art work and after picking up a few on the weekend as well at supanova, it’s going to be awesome I hope.
5. Official Lord of the Rings Arwen Evenstar Pendant: I am a massive LotR (movie) fan. Sadley I haven;t read the books as I tried to read them when I was young but had so much trouble with it. Hopefully I can soon. Anyway I love Arwen and I adore her necklace so much, which also means that I would love to own one. I love the one from
LOtR Jewelry.
6. More Harry Potter merchandise: I love anything and everything Harry Potter, so I want any merchandise that I can get if it’s fanmade or not. I already have a Ravenclaw tapestry, a few figurines, bages and few more stuff here and there but I want so many more things. I just love them to much.
7. My Book Related tattoo’s: Well in a couple of months I will be getting my first tattoo. I cannot wait till I am 18 so I can finally start getting my tattoo’s I am super excited and cannot wait.
8. Book Nook or a reading room: I have mentioned this a few times but I either want a book nook in the wall upon a window or a reading room. Even better both in one room.
9. Book Travels: I know I cannot own them, But I would love to go to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and to New Zealand for the Hobbiton Movie Set Tours.
10. Book Swag: I love book swag, bookmarks, buttons, cards just anything. I love collecting them all.
While we are on the topic of Bookish Things, I have added some more Items to my Etsy Store as well as some more bags. Hope you like them. You can check then out
So That is my Top Ten for this week. What are some bookish items that you want?