Ten TV Series That I Love To Watch
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten list that members at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. All bloggers are then welcomed to join. This week’s topic is: Ten TV Series That I Love To Watch.
I haven’t done a Top Ten Tuesday in quite a while, university and life has just been a little crazy, but I have a little time now, so I thought – why not.
I loved to watch TV series, but it’s a rare occasion that I watch them while they are on TV. So yes, I binge watch TV shows. It’s fun and exhausting all the at the same time. I have broken up today’s topic into two parts.
The first is series that are currently on TV – meaning that they show hasn’t finished yet. And the second are for shows that have long finished – and yes I love watching older shows.
Game of Thrones: I loved watching GoT, this is one of few that I watch while it’s on TV simply because I don’t want to be spoiled.
Supernatural: need I say more. It started when I was much younger – but it scared the crap out of me (still does sometimes), so I stopped watching it, but I am all caught up now.
Shadowhunters: If you know me, you know that I love my Shadowhunter books, so of course I watch the TV series. It might be perfect, but its way better than the movie.
Flash: I love my superheros and this might be my favourite out of the DC series, Arrow is close behind.
The 100: This is one of the shows that my sister and I still down and watch together, and I love how it’s getting better as it goes.
Gilmore Girls: I watch this series when I was younger, but with the reboot coming I thought I would re-watch and I enjoy it.
Wonder Woman (1975): I love Wonder Woman, she is one of my favourite heroes and I love this series.
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993): I love it okay. I am not a massive fan of the superman movies, but give me this series another day.
Full House: Another series I binge watched because of a reboot. My family and I watched this together and it had has in giggles.
Buffy: Now this series I basically grew up watching and I will always love it. One of the TV series that started my love for the supernatural.
What TV series do you love to watch? Do we share any? Have you watched any of the ones that I do? Let’s Chat!
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