Reasons Why I Love Reading | TTT
This week I’m sharing why I love to read. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and Bookish and is hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.
I love to read. I don’t think that is a big shock to anyone. Angel Reads was created nearly 10 years ago because I loved reading so much I wanted to share it with others. I wanted others to experience books and reading as I do. And 10 years on I still feel the same. So today I’m sharing the reasons why I love to read.
Discover new worlds: One of my favourite things about reading books, especially fantasies is being able to discover new and exciting worlds. I love falling into worlds that authors have created and being immersed in everything. It’s just fantastic and one of my favourite things about fiction.
I get to go on many adventures: This goes along with discovering new worlds. But I get to go on so many adventures – through reading. I can read in bed or on the train on the way to work and I can be in a totally different place. It’s so much fun.
Photo by Juan Davila on Unsplash
Learn new things: Another thing that I love about reading is that I get to learn new things. I don’t know how many times I’ll be reading a book and I learn something new and I had to do my own research on it because I’m so intrigued. This especially happens when I read historical fiction and romances.
Be part of a community: As I said before I love reading because it lets you find others that like reading – and then you can talk about books and reading all you want. I found my best friend through blogging. We’ve been friends for nearly as long as we’ve both been blogging – and we both started blogging because we love reading. If you don’t follow Ely – please do!
Discover new things that I like: Another thing that reading lets me do is find new things that I like. There are so many different books out there. I started really reading mostly only supernatural/fantasy YA – I only read that for years. And now? Now I read romance, adult fantasy, historical romance I have even ventured into adult fiction. I get to try new things all the time.
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash
Let’s Me Relax: While some books are way too intense for me to relax, reading is a great way for me to wind down. I love curling up with a book before I sleep. It calms me down and lets my mind take a break. Reading is a great way to just step away from life and not let my brain think about twenty thousand things at once.
It lets me do something that I love: My love for reading has given me a lot of things the past few years. And one of those is becoming a bookseller. I love reading so much that working in a bookstore was one of my only options. And now? Now I manage a bookstore! It’s the most perfect job and I love it almost as much as I love reading.
Allows for some amazing conversations: This kind of goes with the last reason. Reading allows for some fantastic conversations with customers and other people. I get to talk about things that I love all done long – and you can have some amazing coversations with customers about books that you both love.
And there we go, those are some of the reasons that I love reading. Why do you love reading? Do we share any of the same reasons? Let’s Chat!