#LoveOzYA You Need To Check Out
Today I thought I would share some of the #LoveOzYA that I think you need to read. I adore #LoveOzYA and if you haven’t read anything by Australians authors, especially those writing YA. Get on it. Here is the list of #LoveOzYA that I think you need to read.
The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling by Wai Chim: This is an empowering novel that explores family, mental health and trying to find your own feet. The characters were fantastic and clever, while the romance was fantastic and what I love. And while there is darkness in this novel and sometimes you feel like there is no hope. There is also warmth.
This is How We Change the Ending by Vikki Wakefield: This novel is a powerful read that explores the low socioeconomic communities in Australia and how it impacts daily lives, especially teens trying to make their way through school. This book made me feel so many things from anger to hope. From sadness to being proud. This poignant coming of age story that captures the lives of those that struggle day by day.
Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales: I wasn’t expecting to like this one as I did. The romacne has it’s ups and downs, but it’s a great young adult contemporary novel that explores first love. As well as finding and believing in yourself.
It Sounded Better in My Head by Nina Kenwood: This is an honest, heartwarming coming of age novel. It truly captures all those feelings of leaving high school and the anxieties of what to do with life as an ‘adult.’ If you haven’t picked this book up, please do. If you are looking for a YA contemporary that isn’t going to tear you apart but still makes the reader feel so many emotions.
Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde: I feel like I recommend this more than I already do. It’s a fun but emotional read that is for every pop-cultural fan. It explores the notion of friendship and relationships. It’s about falling in love and letting yourself love. It’s about stepping out of that bubble and letting yourself be free.
Every series by Ellie Marney: I will never stop recommending this series. It’s honestly only of my favourites of all time. A sherlock esp retelling set in Melbourne. There are many very intense scenes including one in a lion’s den. But if you pick anything up by Ellie Marney you are in good hands.
The Protected by Claire Zorn: I haven’t’ talked about this book in years. But this is a fantastic read. The Protected is a beautiful, heartbreaking novel that tales a story of a girl who not only has to deal with her sister dying, but memory lost, her family breaking down and the torment of school.
Frankie by Shivaun Plozza: It’s a story of heartbreak, belonging, finding yourself and what it is to be a family. It captures Melbourne as Melbourne from the language to the setting, it brings to light that sometimes when you think that you are alone, you are not alone and all that you need to do is let them in.
And that is it for today’s post. I hope that you give these #LoveOzYA books a go. They are all fantastic and I think you will love them.
Have you read any of these? What did you think of them? Are you planning on picking any of these ups? What are some of your favourite #LoveOzYA? Let’s Chat!