Top Ten Bookworm Delights
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten list that members at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. All bloggers are then welcomed to join. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is: Top Ten Bookworm Delights
Bookmail: I love going to my PO and seeing that I have package waiting for me. I just love the feel of opening a box and books are waiting for me.
Reading in Bed: I love curling up in bed, under the blankets and reading. This is the best type of reading for me.
Re-reading Harry Potter: I don’t know how many times I have re-read Harry Potter, but it always the best feeling.
Being with bookish friends: I love having friends that understand me, who love what I love, who I can always talk to about things.
Nice Looking Book Self: This hasn’t happened in months for me, because I currently have no room, but I cannot wait to get some new shelves and make it look all pretty.
Making friends when we like the same books: I love, making new friends and when we like the same books, well that is a bonus.
Meeting Authors: I am awkward and wired but meeting authors is so fun and I normally don’t say that much.
Book Shopping: Do I need to explain?
When people say they will read a book because of my review: This is what I love about writing reviews. I love when people say that my review made them want to read the book. It’s what I am trying to achieve in writing the review.
Bookish down time: Sometimes I like to do bookish stuff, but not reading or blogging. I love going on tumblr and just looking at all the pretty stuff. You can follow me on tumblr.
What are some of your bookworm delights? Do we share of the same? Let’s Chat!