Ten Films that I Simply Adore
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten list that members at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone join as you please. This week’s topic is: Top Ten All Time Favourite Films.
Other than books, I love going to the movies, watching movies, reading about movies. I just love films. For most films, I am there the first day watching it. Sometimes it’s even a midnight session. And then I can re-watch films over and over again. Here are some of my favourite films and they are no particular order.
Harry Potter: I couldn’t pick my favourite okay. It’s like asking a mother to pick her favourite child. However, there isn’t a time that isn’t perfect to watch Harry Potter.
Lord of the Rings: Again like Harry Potter, I can’t pick my favourite. I just love putting these movies on and falling into the world.
The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns: I have loved this movie since I was a child. I can sit down and fall in love all over again. It’s beautiful. However, I do need to find a DVD of this that doesn’t jump.
Avengers: This would not be my list if I didn’t have some Marvel on here. I loved Avengers, seeing everyone come together to fight off one evil – yes thank you.
Beauty and the Beast: One of favourite Disney films, that I could watch on reply. Again and again. I just watched the trailer for the live action and cried.
Sleeping Beauty: My other favourite Disney film – it’s just perfect okay. This is another one that I could watch over and over again.
Catching Fire: I think it’s one of my favouite of the series. Such an truthful adaptation.
Girls just want to have fun: I was introduced to this movie when I was quite young and I still watch it till this day. It’s one of those movies that puts a smile on my face, no matter the day.
The Seeker: This might be influenced by my love for Alexader Ludwig. But it’s my type of film; magic and war.
Iron Man: Okay I love Iron man – enough said. Nevertheless, I do like all the other Iron Man movies as well, but number 1 hits the spot.
What are some of your favourite films? Do you share any of the same? Do we have similar taste? Let’s Chat!
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