Books That Defied My Expectations
This week I’m sharing the books that defied my expectations. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and Bookish and is hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.
I had a lot of fun with this week’s topic. So I decided I would share the five books that I didn’t know if I was going to like and ended up loving, and then five that I thought that I was going to really enjoy and didn’t.
I share a lot about the books that I love reading and not so much about the books that weren’t for me. And today I get to share both. I just want to make a quick note, these are just my opinions. Sometimes a book just isn’t for me, but you might love it. And that is what reading is about. I might also love a book that you hate. And that is okay.
So let’s get right into it. Here are the books that defied my expectations. The five books that surprised me with how much I loved them. And the five books that were a letdown. As always these are in no real order.
The Books That Defied My Expectations and Surprised Me
Babymoon or Bust by Ava Hunter – Review. | Muscles & Monsters (Leviathan Fitness. #1) by Ashley Bennett. | Delilah Green Doesn’t Care. (Bright Falls. #1) by Ashley Herring Blake. | The Mindf*ck Series (Mindf*ck, #1-5) by S.T. Abby.
Lola & the Millionaires: Part One and Two. (Sweet Omegaverse, #2/#3) by Kathryn Moon.
The Books That Defied My Expectations and Disappointed Me
Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner. | The Words by Ashley Jade. | Knot My Type. (All Access. #1) by Evie Mitchell. | Custom Built. (Fast & Fury. #1) by Chantal Fernando.
And there we go. Those are just some of the books that defied my expectations in either a good or bad way. Have you read any of these books? What are your thoughts on them? What are the books that made it onto your list this week? Let’s chat!