Vampire Academy Movie Meet Melbourne
Aka the most amazing day of my life. I am not even kidding it was pretty much the most amazing day
My sister and I woke up pretty early for us on a weekend on Saturday morning. We got dressed, had a quick breakfast and were on our way.
Up and getting ready for #VAMovieMeetMelb Excited
— Angel (@angel_reads) March 21, 2014
I was so nervous, excited, and couldn’t wait all at the same time. I talked to so many of these girls on twitter pretty much every day, but I was actually meeting them in real life it was so unreal. We arrived at Jam factory a little early as that is how things worked out.
So we walked down to 7 eleven as my sister wanted a muffin we bought one as it was huge and sat down and ate. After that we made our way to the foyer of the cinema and I was totally nervous but then I saw the lovely and beautiful Jem, she waved us over and I gave her a big hug and all my nervous went away. I then saw the awesome Liz and also gave her a massive hug. It’s so weird, yes we are different ages and have never met each other but we act like we have known each other for years. We did an exchange I gave them my donations, which is one of my bags from my Etsy Store and they gave us awesome goodies bags.
People started arriving and finally I saw Millicent. If you didn’t know already she is the lovely lady who designed my blog and helps me pretty much every day and I wanted to jump on her but I would have probably knocked her down haha. Then Bam! Lu was standing there. She pretty much come out of nowhere.
We talked for a while and chatted while everyone arrived, which ended up turning into a crazy-fest with Lu, Millicent and Tracy. Especially when Nic Wheeler arrived. Nic who plays Adrian Ivashkov in the Bloodlines book trailers. Lu was so excited that she ended up on the floor.
Nic welcomed us and handed out those prizes to the people that won Door Prizes which I was lucky enough to win one. Which was an awesome Art pack from the lovely Jem. We took some awesome group shots before we moved into the movies. Which me and Lu ended up next to each other. I think the whole cinema heard us laughing.
I cannot explain the experience of 60+ fans watching a movie together. It was just the most amazing, brilliant and fun experience ever. I had already seen the movie twice before but nothing will beat this experience. After the movie we had an awesome quiz, with prizes. I won the Dolly Edition with the Vampire Academy poster. Thank you also to Penguin Teen Australia who donated Half Bad by Sally Green for everyone’s goodie bags.
We then moved to lunch at The Groove Train, which ended up being about 30 of us as well as Nic. It was just so nice, talking to everyone, hanging out, and eating. While we waited for our food, Lu and I went and talked to Nic as we hadn’t had the chance to talk to him yet. Nic is probably the most sweetest man ever. He was so nice and funny.
Jem’s Sydney and Adrian Art that I won with Nic’s lovely message.
Thank you so much to Jem, Paige, Liz and Laura for such an amazing day every. I cannot explain how grateful I am.
Me and the lovely Millicent.
Lu and her Pineapple.
Jem, Lu, Millicent and I.
Nic and I – I adore this photo.
Thank you again for everyone that come and made this an amazing and brilliant day. Also thank you Millicent for the photos.
You can check out all my tweets from the day on my twitter you can check also check out photos from the day on my Instagram. Don’t forget to follow my Facebook page and on bloglovin for more from me. You can also find the gorgeous Nic on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!