Discussion: Physical book versus ebook
So I was thinking the other day what kinda of discussion I should have. I have been thinking about doing these sort of post for a while now and I just never could think of anything that I thought would make a good discussion but then I saw a post on facebook not sure as to where about Physical books and ebooks and to which is better and my head just started spinning with all my ideas, my thoughts and then bam! I thought this would make a perfect discussion post.
There is a long debate at to which is better, the physical book or the ebook. Even though I do prefer the physical book, the ebook is just as useful, even maybe a little more. There are pro’s and con’s for both.
There us heaps of advantages of both Physical books and ebooks.
Physical Books: There are many pro’s of Physical books, either paperback or hardback which ever that you prefer you can get. I love seeing books lined up on my shelf, I love counting the books. I love seeing the series standing next to each other. I really like the way the books smell and feel in my hands. I also love going to book stores and just looking at all the books – I could stay there for hours. Pricing can range with physical books but you can go to op shops and find some really great books there for some amazing prices, when I go to my local op shop the books range from about $3-$4 which is pretty awesome if I say so myself. You can also get some great deals on online book shops.
ebook: You have all the books that you own on 1 device that you can pretty much carry anywhere. I have a Kobo Mini and I really like it. It fits pretty much in my hand and perfectly in my handbag. If you have a Kindle or a Kindle Devices which I do have as well on my phone you can get heaps of free or 0.99 books which is pretty awesome. You can have hundreds of books on 1 device. You can read the book pretty easy of the train or on a aeroplane pretty much anywhere. Some books or novellas only come in ebook form.
But theses Pros weight up with Con’s
Physical Book: They are pretty expensive sometimes, especially if it’s a new release, or hardback’s. I know in the US they mainly just release hardbacks first so if you are waiting for a books you have to pay up to $20+ sometimes. You need heaps of room to store the books. I know at the moment I am in need of a new book shelf – there is no room on mine at all. Books are pretty heavy so when you are travelling you cannot take or buy that many. You also need to have quite a big bag to fit the book when you are going to work, going on the train etc.
ebooks: You need to buy the device and sometimes they are expensive, yer you might save after you buy it but you still need quite a bit to buy it. Also sometimes ebooks are more expensive then the actual physical book. My Kindle version of The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead cost me more then my paperback version which confused the hell out of me. You would think because they are not using paper, ink, time to make the book, it would be less expensive. Also you need to charge your device, it only last a certain couple of hours and then you have to let it charge for a bit, which a physical book you can pick it up and read it for as long as you want.
I brought my Kobo Mini so I could get books that only come in ebook form, it is really helpful in that way, also when I’m away from home I don’t need to fill half my bag with books. Even though I do like my Kobo I would pick a physical book over it any day. There is just something about them. That is not saying I don’t use my Kobo because I do. I was once having this conversation on Twitter and someone said to me that they would never buy an ebook, I asked why and they said because the Author doesn’t get the money or something like that. I was just so confused about what this person knew about books. They author still gets their money for the book they sold in what ever format it is.
What do you think of the debate of physical books vs ebooks? Leave a comment down below or make a blog post about it. I would love to hear others opinions