Discussion: Same World Authors
The one thing I hate more than people rating/reviewing books before they have read them, is when people hate on authors for writing in the same universe/world.
Ever since it was announced that Cassandra Clare would be writing more series in the Shadowhunter universe (The Dark Artifices and The Last Hours) people have gone mental. I have seen so much hate towards her on Goodreads and other platforms – that she should not be writing more books in this world, that she is only doing it for the money and that it is all the same. As a writer and reader this makes my blood boil.
However, the thing is I haven’t just seen it with Clare, recently I have seen hate angled towards Rick Riordan with the announcement that he is writing a new series in the same world as his other books.
I seriously don’t understand, why this concerns some people. You are not the author, no one is forcing you to read it, so why hate on someone.
There are many reasons as to why I am totally okay, with authors writing in that same world;
1.They are the author! If the author decides they want to write in the same world, then I say good on them. They can do whatever they like. They are the ones writing the books, so they can do whatever they want.
Maybe they like the world so much, and they have so many ideas and characters, that they cannot fit into one series. Both Clare and Riordan have been writing for quite a while and they both know what they are doing.
2. The author’s world isn’t all we see. When an author starts creating a world – they don’t just create the one that we read, they create so much more and sometimes, those characters and stories need to be heard.
3. They could be contacted to write a certain amount of book. Sometimes authors have contracts for a certain amount of books and I can bet you anything that some of these authors are contracted to write books in the same world. Publishers know that they will make money off them.
4. Money. This is a massive thing that I am seeing. That, all the author wants to do is to make money. But the thing is, you kind of need money to survive in this world and if an author knows that people like a world so much that they will get money from it – they why not. Why not make money from doing something that you love.
5. People want it. Even though I am writing this post about people hating on same world authors, there are so many people who would read these books. There are people who want more. They are so invested into the characters that, they will take anything from the world.
When I see people hate on these authors, my blood boils. Not because I like them or their world, but because I think it’s unfair that people are doing this. They could easily not comment about it. They could leave it alone. But no, they have to say their opinion, which isn’t an opinion, but more of a hateful comment.
No one is forcing them to go online or a book shop and buy the book. No one is forcing them to read it. No one is doing anything that would make the person need to say that the author shouldn’t be writing in the same world.
Furthermore, sometimes they say that the books are all the same. I am seeing it quite a bit with Cassandra Clare, anyone can back me up on this, her latest novel Lady Midnight, is nothing like her previous books – I also think that both her other series are different too.
Nevertheless, it is all up to the author; they are the ones writing the books, promoting the books, creating the world – They can do what they like.
What do you think of all this? Lets Chat.