My Journey with Harry #PotterheadJuly
If you have followed me for a couple of years, you probably know that I love Harry Potter. I’ve made many posts before that have included my love of this wonderful series including; Butterbeer cupcakes.
So when Aentee from Read at Midnight created #PotterheadJuly, I knew that I had to join. On my stop of this feature I am talking all about my journey with Harry.
My journey with Harry starts before I could even read. When Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published, I wasn’t even one, but my mum’s work colleagues were reading it to their kids, so my mum read it to me.
I don’t remember much of the earlier years of Harry Potter, my memories are really faint, but one of my earliest memories was going to see Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone at the drive-in.
My parents, younger sister and I were on holiday and we decided to go see it. I remember sitting in the front seat of the car, eating my popcorn and listening to it through the car radio.
There are two scenes that I am can remember so clearly. The first is when Harry first arrives at Hogwarts, the scene where we first see the castle. Even though I was only 6, I felt like I was home. It was magic and beautiful.
The other scene that I remember is the one that scared the crap out of me. It’s when we first see Voldemort. You know the scene where Voldemort goes to kill the Potters, where he puts his hand on the gate – yes that scene. That scene haunted me for years.
I have watched my Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s video so many times, it now skips…opps.
The years that followed my mum continued to read the books to me, until I was able to read them myself. I also watched all the movies and well, loved them.
The next stop on my journey is when Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out. The librarian at my primary school, created this event where we were sorted into houses, had quizzes and it was just so much fun.
When Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out, my dad went and bought it for me. But what was so special about this was that he bought me this pack too, which had a case, stickers, pencils – I loved it and still have some of the stuff.
Another step in my journey is when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out. I remember I woke up early in the morning and headed to where they were selling it, I was one of the first people to pick it up – I came home and started to read it.
During all this time I have learnt so much from these books. I learnt that family doesn’t always have to be from blood. It was amazing to see the bond of the Wesley’s and the different dynamics of the families and friendships.
I learnt many things from different characters. From Harry I learnt that you need to try and be strong when times are tough. Hermione taught me not to be shy with my brains, Ron taught me that you can jealous, just don’t let it take over. Ginny taught me that it’s okay to like things that you ‘aren’t’ meant to like. You can be one of the boys and girls can be hella strong too. And Luna taught me something that I live by; don’t pretend to be someone else, because you are even more interesting being who you are.
One of my favourite things about my journey with Harry is going to Sydney for the day to see the Harry Potter Expo. It was such an amazing experience, I got to see the costumes and read interesting things – I hope that one day I can go to the set and see more magic.
There is something else that comes to mind when I think of my Harry Potter journey, A Very Potter Musical – I may or may not know every song by heart. Please tell me I am not the only one.
Another stop on my journey is when I saw both Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as Midnight sessions, it was fabulous. I remember dressing up and waiting up all night to see it. I remember balling my eyes out when Part 2 finished. My journey finally came to an end – well I thought I did.
There was one thing I did since I was about 14 that showed my Harry Potter Pride every single day and that was during the Deathly Hallows symbol on my wrist. Everyone in my classes knew that I loved Harry Potter, and last year I put a permanent mark of my love. I finally got my deathly hallows tattoo; and I love it.
I loved how these books ripped out my heart, put me together. Made me smile and made me laugh. This world brought magic into my life in so many different ways that I cannot comprehend.
I am sorry if this post is all blabber and I really hope that it makes sense. What has your journey with Harry been like? Do we have any similar experiences? Let’s Chat.