The Secret Life of a Book Blogger
I was tagged my the lovely Ely over at Tea and Titles to do the Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag. I haven’t done a tag in a while because I always forgot, so I thought why not.
Question Time:
This February it will be my 5th anniversary, so next year I will be going into my sixth year of blogging.
I don’t really know when. I love blogging, it has been a big part of my life and it has gotten me to where I am today. But most likely when I get a full-time job, hopefully in the publishing industry.
There are a couple of things that I love about Blogger.
- I able to talk about things that I love and people share that same love.
- I have made so many amazing friends from blogging and some of those I have been friends with for nearly 5 years – which is crazy and amazing at the same time. There are some friends from the other side of the world that I may never meet, but I know that I can talk to them online. And then I have made friends that live 10 minutes away from me and we went to the same high school. Blogging is a crazy world.
Some of the amazing friends I have made are Ely, Michelle, Millicent, Lu, Eddie, Miranda and more.
Again there is a couple things that are really hard about being a blogger. I just want to say that not everyone is like this and I am not calling out anyone.
- Rudeness and harshness. Going onto twitter every day and seeing that there is something new burning. I just want to close my screen and leave. I don’t like to fight, but I do believe in speaking up for what I believe in, so when I see someone saying mean and unnecessary things to people, I do have to step in.
- Blogging takes up a lot of time and there are times when I can’t blog because of life or university and sometimes I cannot be bothered. But I hate that when I do that I lose followers, likes, conversations etc. Sometimes I need a break and I don’t want people to think that I won’t be coming back. I try and not feel upset about this, but sometimes you can take it personally.
I normally take my own pictures so depending on the weather from 10-15 minutes. Taking a couple at a time of different things, so then I have a stockpile waiting for me when I need to use them. I then have to edit them, which again it doesn’t take me long because I suck at it.
I do, however, make a fair few graphics which again I make myself and depending on how detailed it is can take up to 15 minutes.
This is really hard, but at the moment it has to be Julian Blackthorn from Lady Midnight. Just my heart and him – lord.
I have a fair few amazing authors on Angel Reads through a series I did highlighting Australian YA, but if I could have any international authors it would have to be either Cassandra Clare or Richelle Mead.
If I am at home, leggings and a T-shirt or jumper, but of I do it while I am in the city for University: jeans and a top or a dress.
Prepare for what? If we are talking about posts here. I am really bad and preparing posts and getting them up before they are supposed to. It’s not the first time I am writing a review the day it has to go up.
If we are talking about how long it takes me to write posts? It depends on what we are talking about here. If it’s a review maybe an hour, but then I need to edit, create graphics, links etc. If it’s a discussion, this might take days. I might have more things to say but might not know what when I first start writing it. And then edit, make graphics etc.
I have a love/hate relationship with the book blogging community. Most of the time I love it. I adore that we can post about what we love and people love it back or they might even disagree and that is amazing. There are some incredible people out there and I love reading what they write, their thoughts about books. I love to see different reactions to books and movies.
But I hate the cattiness, the hurtfulness. I hate that there is always fighting and name calling or talking behind each other backs. It’s like we are in high school again, and I hated high school. And to go on what Ely said – I dislike the divide between book bloggers and booktubers and the hate that it all brings – we all love the same thing, we all do the same thing, just in different mediums.
Be yourself, don’t let anyone tell you to be someone else. Let your personality shine through your blog – like I hope mine shines through. Have fun – don’t think about numbers, followers or ARCS. Do it for yourself, pretend you are the audience.
I hope that you liked this post, it was fun answering these questions. I normally forget to do tags, so if you have tagged me in something and I haven’t done it – please tell me. Do you agree with any of my response? Do you disagree? Let’s Chat.
I tag anyone that wants to do it. You can say that I tagged you and link me up when you have posted.