Bookish Boyfriends of 2017
I am always one for a bookish boyfriend – seriously most of the time, I fall in love with the love interest with the protagonist. So today I thought I would share some of my favourite bookish boyfriends so far in 2017. Most of the books have been published this year, however some I’ve just read this year. Like always these are in no particular order.
Arcus from Frostblood by Elly Blake: Arcus is the typical mysterious guy that hides behind a hood. He projects a not so nice attitude, but as the novel goes on you begin to find out why. While he is a feature character in Frostblood, he isn’t exactly present in Fireblood – hopefully, that changes in book 3.
Lazlo Strange from Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor: Lazlo is the guy that wins my heart. I adored his love for books and learning and finding out more. Lazlo is very innocent and I loved seeing that, it’s rare that we see a male character in YA that is obvious to the world and how things work. Lazlo character development throughout the novel was excellent and I am hanging to see where his character goes. He is my perfect bookish boyfriend.
Blake Riley from Goodboy by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy: Ah, what to say about Blake? I love him. Yes sometimes he is s shithead, but I adore the love that he has for his family, his teammates and eventually Jess. His funny, crazy and just put a massive smile on my face.
Declan from Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer: Can he be mine? Please. Like the female protagonist, Declan is hurt and feels like his alone in life – like he doesn’t have someone to talk to, that there isn’t someone that cares. Declan has this demeanour about him that creates this façade, and people only see him for that. And he acts to that. He thinks that because people see him that way – he should act that way.
Kash from The Ship Beyond Time by Heidi Heligi: Kash, Kash, Kash. Can I please have him? I loved his smoothness – if that is world. He can come into any situation and just know the right thing to say. I loved that Kash spoke so many different languages and even though he didn’t like speaking about his childhood – tried to stay close to his roots.
Cas from Avenged by Amy Tintera: Talking about Cas. In Ruined he is a ‘weak’ male protagonist compared to other YA male leads. But, in Avenged he finds his voice. And it was great to see. I loved Cas’s character arc, I love seeing him grow into a King. He has to make some hard decisions throughout the book and sometimes he makes some stupid ones. But I loved seeing him grow.
And that is it for this post! Who are some of your bookish crushes for 2017? Do we share any that is the same? Who are you looking forward to seeing more of? I cannot wait to hear yours. Let’s Chat!