Changes in Reading Habits | Discussion
When I starting blogging here at Angel Reads, I only read YA fantasy/supernatural. I had been reading it since I was 12 and many of my reading habits didn’t change. Then I joined the world of book blogging and was introduced to a new side of YA. A new side that I didn’t know too much about and didn’t know what books to read it. It was YA contemporary. And although I was reading it, I kept on going back to YA fantasy and supernatural. It’s where I found my solace, where I was able to just go away from the world.
Then a couple of years ago, I fell into the world of New Adult and Romance and I was gone. I’m now reading more romance books than ever before. I think because my life is just so busy now, that being able to finish a book in a couple of hours, is great. I’ve found that with romance books, I don’t need to stress or try and remember all the characters and layers of the world. I can just sit down and relax. I’ve spoken about reading more romance books in more detail before, but ever since then, I’ve read more and more romance.
There is a lot of factors in my changes in reading habits and it’s just not the fact that I am reading more romance. So I thought that today I would talk about changes in reading habits.
Changes in Reading Habits
I’ve really thought that I would sway about from reading YA fantasy and supernatural. I had been reading it for so long and loving it that it just stuck with me. I would try and read other genre’s, but I always seemed to go back to read it. This has a lot of this had to do with me being in high school at the time. My friendship group read, but not like me. So I had no one really to talk to about trying different books. When I made Angel Reads, it was the first time I was really exposed to other genres on a regular basis. Reviews of new books were easier for me to find, people that I trusted were reading different things to me and I was going into bookstores and book sections more. This let me see a whole different side to YA.
After I finished high school, I went straight into a writing and editing course at university. So you can imagine the range of books that I was reading, hearing about, and getting recommended. And while even then I was falling back into YA, I was branching out on what I was reading YA. But it was a great way to see and hear people’s thoughts on different books. But reading YA was looked down on and that was a struggle. And while I didn’t care all that much, it was hard to recommend books that I loved, because not many people thought about even picking them, up.
It was probably before even university that I discovered Katie McGarry and I am so glad that I did. She was able to introduce me to a whole new genre of romance and gosh I am glad that I started. What I love about Katie McGarry was that she was on the border of YA and NA romance, so it was easy for me to transition into reading NA romance. Then I started reading Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy, and Rebecca Yarros’ New Adult books and again it just grabbed me, and then I wanted to read more of these so I moved into their adult romance. It all flowed naturally, and I wasn’t just thrown into the deep end of romance. Which can be scary and different sometimes. And now I probably read way more romance than I do YA – and I don’t’ mind it.
I think for a while I was getting bored with YA. It was just everything was reading the same and I wanted something new and different. I ended up only reading the same authors because I just didn’t know what to read next. But I think that this last year has seen something happen in YA, that I am so happy about. It’s like it’s been rejuvenated and I am slowly starting to read more and more.
Something else that has changed my reading habits is the fact the last year and a half I’ve worked in a bookstore. I see new books come in nearly every day and sometimes things catch my eye, that I never thought I would. I’ve read more adult books this last year and a half than I have my whole life. And that’s saying something. Adult books never caught my eye, all the ways that I ever saw just bored me. But I did pick some up, after being recommended by both co-workers and customers. In saying that, most of the ones I have read have been historical fiction, but you get my drift.
It’s scary changing what you read, to be honest. Like I said I will always love YA, but reading different genre’s and readerships has made me love books even more.
Don’t be afraid
I don’t know what the point of this post really is, other than to say; it’s okay to branch out on what you normally read. It’s okay to blog about different genre’s and readerships. And it’s alright for your reading habits to grow with you. I will love YA forever, I will never, ever let it go. It embodies a lot of my values and it explores diversity in a way that makes me excited. Being able to recommend teens new and exciting books at work, is what makes my day. Seeing their faces light up when they find a book they might light – it gets to me.
So don’t be afraid to read what you want. Don’t be afraid to blog about that aren’t your usual thing. And while it might be a set back at first blogging wise, I am so much happier now, blogging about YA and romance. I get to talk about all the books I love in one place, because in the end Angel Reads, is about what me, Angel is reading.
Have your reading habits changed over time? Why do you think they changed? Is there a moment or book in your life that did change what you read? Let’s Chat!