New To Me Authors I Read in 2018 | Part 2
A few weeks ago, I shared some of the authors that were new to me in 2018. Today I am continuing the series and sharing some more of these authors. From the authors of contemporary to fantasy, I always try and read new authors every year. So today I thought I would share all the new to me authors that I read last year.
Some of these authors, I have fallen in love with and cannot wait to read more from them, some I will probably never read again and some, well I am still on the fence about. Anyway, like always these are in no particular order.
Devney Perry: The Birthday List was a fantastic read. I really enjoyed The Birthday List, it was an emotional read by far. There were so many times that I just crying, but it was also really beautiful. I loved that the romance was slow burning and just worked so well. My full review will be up soon. I just noticed that there is going to be a second book in this series, so will need to pick it up in June.
Natasha Preston: Lie to Me explores the notion of what it’s like to be family and shows that blood isn’t everything. another romance that I really enjoyed and while it was much more fast-paced, it still was really beautiful. The protagonists are very different from one another, but they seem to balance each other nicely. My full review will be up very soon. Natasha does have quite a range of books, but I don’t know if I will pick them up any time soon.
Theresa Meyers: This is another one of those that I knew nothing about when I picked up her book The Switched Baby Scandal. And it didn’t really pay off this time. For the most part, the book was okayish. But I just didn’t get anything that really grabbed my attention with the romance and the storyline. Normally, I am pretty good with kids in books and that wasn’t the problem here either. I might pick up books by Theresa Meyers in the future, but not for now.
A.K. Evans: This author is not for me. Not at all. I didn’t like most of the book and it just wasn’t something that I even enjoyed. I am most likely not picking anything up by her again.
Drew Elyse: After reading Marked by Drew, I ended up picking up her Savage Disciples MC series as well. While they aren’t the best books out there, they were really fun, emotional and intense romances books that also included a little suspense, crime and a motorcycle club. I cannot wait to read more from Drew and in the MC world that she created. You can check out my reviews of Marked and Inked now.
A.M. Salinger: The thing with reading romance or anything really, is that something you just don’t like the books you are reading. And I just didn’t like this one at all.
Erin Hayes: Another author that isn’t for me. I had really bad luck with picking up new authors for a while and this just added to it.
Maya Banks: This has to be one of my favourite new to me authors of 2018. I had heard of Maya Banks before, but I never really picked her up. Then last year I was in the mood for some military stories and I found her KGI series – and fell in love. I ended up binging the series and then buying them all in physically because I loved them so much. And yes I read all 11 books in this series last year and I cannot wait to read more!
Heather Demetrios: I’ll Meet You There had been on my TBR for years, and I really wanted to like this. It had all the right elements for books that I just enjoy. A summer romance, a different setting, and disability diversity. But gosh it fell so short. I might pick up something from her again in the future, but not any time soon.
Madeline Miller: The Song of Achilles had to be one of my favourite books from last year. I adored it x10. It had everything that I love to see in a novel and I can’t wait to read more from her. One of my favourite things about Madeline Miller is her writing. It’s poetic, captivating and is still able to tell the story in a way that is easily understandable.
And that is it for this post. I think I have 1 more of these coming your way in a couple of weeks. Have you read anything by these authors? What did you think of them? Are you planning on giving any a go? Let’s Chat!