My Auto-Buy Authors
My auto-buy authors have changed a lot from both when I first started really reading and when I first started blogging. There are a lot of things that have to lead to them changing. From authors no longer writing or me growing out of what they do. So today I thought I would share my auto-buy authors.
I read a lot differently now then I use to, I read a lot more romance and less fantasy and young adult. But there are some authors that just draw me back into it. So I’m not surprised that my auto-buy range from young adult to romance. Here we go!
Cassandra Clare: Well I don’t think it surprises anyone that Cassie is an auto-buy author for me. Most of the time I don’t even read the synopsis of the books. I just wait and pick it up. Chain of Gold, for example, I knew who was in it, who it was about. But I had no idea what it was about. There is something about the Shadowhunter world that has always grabbed me and I have never let go.
Ellie Marney: I read my first book by Ellie Marney some time ago now and I have loved every book I’ve read of hers. There is something about the way that she writes that is familiar. I don’t even think I can explain it, it just feels right. So you bet that I’ll be getting her next book the day that it comes out.
Sarina Bowen: I discovered Sarina Bowen a couple of years ago now and I’ve read all but 2? I think of her books. She just writes romances that make me smile all day. In saying that the last couple of books I’ve had some ups and downs, but I think she is still an auto-buy author for me.
Rebecca Yarros: One of the first romance authors that made me really love romance and fall into a deep dark hole of reading it. And I will buy anything that she brings out. I’ve cried in nearly every one of her books that I’ve read and I hate it and love it at the same time. She is just able to capture so much emotion in her writing and I love it. And I don’t have to think twice about adding her to my auto-buy list. Check out my review of The Last Letter
Jenn Bennett: I only discovered Jenn Bennett a few years ago but she has soon become one of my favourite contemporary YA authors. She is able to write honest and true characters that are easy to get along with, while also writing adorable romances. They just warm my heart. I’m reaching out into her other work and I cannot wait.
Lisa Kleypas: Is a new addition to my list. So much so I hadn’t read anything by her before last year and now I’ve read a lot! and I mean a lot from her. She is brilliant and I just love everything about the way that she writes. She is one of the authors that really got me into historical romance and I love it.
Brigid Kemmerer: I’ve been reading Brigid’s books for a little while now, and she has jumped to my auto-buy list pretty fast. I love her contemporaries and the honesty of them. And I adore her fantasies because they are fantastic.
Jen Wilde: Since Queens of Geek I’ve really fallen in love with the way Jen Wilde writes and her characters. After I read her most recent one, I really want to read some of her back titles. But I will buy anything she writes in YA at the moment.
And that is it for my auto-buy authors. Like I said these are always changing. Sometimes there are authors that I fall out of love with or they are not writing something that I love. It’s always changing like my reading habits. But what are some of your auto-buy authors? Do we share anything that’s the same? Let’s Chat!