Books I Couldn’t Fall In Love With | Overrated Books
Last week I shared some of my favourite underrated books. Today I want to share that I think are overrated. These are the books that I’ve read but can’t understand the hype. That I could not fall in love with. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily bad books. But more that, they aren’t for me and I can’t see why people don’t like them.
Books becoming hyped is always really interesting to see. I find it quite fascinating really. I like seeing what books people are loving and why. Sometimes I understand the hype and sometimes I don’t, hence why they feel overrated to me. Like always these are in no order.
Fix Her Up (Hot & Hammered #1) by Tessa Bailey: This is a recent read that I really don’t understand. When this first came out it was everywhere. From both romance and non-romance bloggers. Everyone was reading it and loving. So I felt pretty good going in. However, I was so disappointed. You can check out my discussion with Ely and see why this book was such a let down for me.
How We Roll by Natasha Friend: Now this wasn’t a bad book at all. I feel everyone hyped it up and made it sound like it was a fantastic book with disability. And while the disability rep was pretty well done, I feel the rest of the book suffered. It was okay, but just not as good as I thought it would have been.
Consumed (Firefighters #1) by J.R. Ward: I feel very alone with this one. I’ve really enjoyed J.R. Ward books in the past. Really enjoyed her books. I actually really enjoyed the novellas for this series. But this one wasn’t for me. I could see the potential, but nearly everything fell flat for me. I didn’t like the romance, the plot. The characters were okay. But honestly, I’m so sad that I could not like it.
Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi: I truly wanted to like this one. The hype for this was strong. But I really didn’t like it. The first half of the novel was weak for me. I didn’t like it at all. I pushed on reading and enjoyed the second half. But I do feel that it was overrated?
I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios: When this first came out there was so much hype for it and I hated it. It was a 2 star for me. On paper, this is my type of book. It sounded like the perfect book for me. But I just didn’t’ like anything. It has such a high rating and I don’t understand why. Everything was just flat for me.
Paper Princess (The Royals #1) by Erin Watt: So many people I know love this series, and I really didn’t. I’ve really enjoyed the authors solo books, but all the books they do together, I can’t. This series is highly overrated. I just don’t get it. It’s full of very unhealthy relationships and I could not get into it.
Cheater (Curious Liaisons #1) by Rachel Van Dyken: This is another one that I really don’t understand the hype. It’s just so confusing as to how this has such a high rating. I did read it a couple of years ago when I wasn’t really into romance, but I think even if I read it today I would feel the same out this one. I’m hoping to read another Rachel Van Dyken book soon and hopefully, I will like it more.
Caraval (Caraval #1) by Stephanie Garber: I really wished I understood everyone’s love for this series. I read the first book and I could not get into it at all. The world was interesting, but the characters and the plot were not for me. I didn’t hate the book, but I’m confused as to why it’s so hyped.
And that is some of the books that I think are overrated. Do we feel the same about any books on this list? Do you love any books on this list? Let’s Chat!