New Adult Books That Are Gateways into Reading Romance
Diving straight into romance from a young adult isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Or even the best option for you. Especially when you don’t read a lot of YA books with romance. So today I thought I would share some of the New Adult/Older YA books that I think are the perfect gateway to reading romance.
I read a lot of NA when I wanted to start reading more romances a few years ago. I think it’s one of the best ways to start reading romacne without jumping right into it. Romance is a massive genre and there are just so many different ways that they could go. But reading the wrong book and jumping in too quickly may put you off reading romance for a long time.
So today I’m sharing the New Adult books that I think are perfect when you want to start reading a little more romance. I have also included some books that are classed as young adult but I think could easily be NA. Anyway enough chit-chatting, let’s go. Like always these are in no order.
Nowhere But Here (Thunder Road #1) by Katie McGarry: I’ve always loved Katie McGarry and nearly all her books border Young Adult/New Adult. But I truly believe that series whole series could be NA. I also think it’s a great gateway to reading MC romances well. Things are a lot tamer in this series, but you get the feel of an MC. I seriously love this series so much.
Trust by Kylie Scott: I really enjoyed this one and again I think it’s a great way to get into romance. It’s a little bit darker, its themes and arc follow what most romance novels do. And it’s fantastic. This is also written by a romance author and that makes me love it even more. If you like this one you can go on to read some of her romances.
The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen: Romance authors know how to write NA. And this one is yet again another great book to pick up, especially if you love music. And while this was published as young adult, it could easily be categories as new adult. This one just has that feel.
It Sounded Better in My Head by Nina Kenwood: This is another one that was published as YA, but I think is perfect for people wanting to read NA. It explores that last year of school before going off to university and beyond.
The Deal (Off-Campus #1) by Elle Kennedy: You all know how much I love reading Elle Kennedy, so I couldn’t do this post without mentioning the Off-Campus series. It’s one of those series that just screams NA and I think is perfect for getting into romance. It’s spicy and sexy. But it won’t overwhelm you.
Undeclared (Woodlands #1) by Jen Frederick: This is another one like Elle Kennedy that is perfect for those looking for some college romances. It’s a little heavier than some of the other novels. But, it’s a great way to get into either more college or military romances.
Who’s Afraid? (Supernatural Sisters #1) by Maria Lewis: This is a fantastic urban fantasy new adult novel that is perfect for those wanting to move into reading fantasy or paranormal romances. It’s dark but won’t slam you in the face. And I think it’s absolutely fantastic.
Play On (Lewis Creek #1) by Michelle Smith: I don’t talk about this duology enough, but if you haven’t read it – get on it. Play on is fantastic and while it is set in high school, I do feel it gives off more of a new adult vibe. It has that sports romance vibe and I think it’s the perfect step even before you read some new adult novels if you are nervous.
Wilder (The Renegades #1) by Rebecca Yarros: I mean I had to put a Rebecca Yarros book on this list. Not one is she one of my favourite authors, this series is fantastic. It is still sexy and off the charts hot. But it’s a little bit tamer than her other novels. This is one I got my sister to read – who doesn’t read a whole lot.
Getting Lucky Number Seven (Taking Shots #1) by Cindi Madsen: This is another book that is perfect if you want to get more into sports romances. I read this years ago, and I have done a few re-reads since. This whole series is also fantastic and worth a shot.
And there we go, those are some new adult and older young adult books that I think are perfect books as a gateway to romance. Have you read any of these? What books do you recommend to people wanting to read more romance? Let’s Chat!