Mid-Year Book Freakout 2020 | Book Tag
I haven’t done a book tag in a while and I thought it was time to do one. And just in time for the mid-year book freakout tag. This tag was created by Ely and Chami. Most of the time this tag is more seen on youtube, but I thought I would bring it over here and share my year in books so far.
As from today, I’ve read 152 books. That is a lot for me for this time of year. I read just under 200 last year and I imagine that I’m going to go over that this year. I’ve read a mix of books this year, but most of them have been romance. And I don’t think that will change too much. Anyway, let’s get into this.
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2020
I can’t pick just one book here, but I do have a top three. This is How We Change the Ending by Vikki Wakefield, The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune and Chain of Gold (The Last Hours #1) by Cassandra Clare. I loved every one of these. They are just fantastic. This is How We Change The Ending and The House in the Cerulean Sea are stand-alone – so if you don’t like series, then pick these ones up.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2020
Again there are two books that I had to pick for this one. Chasing Cassandra (The Ravenels #6) by Lisa Kleypas was such a fantastic final book. I loved the romance in this one so much, it just made me smile so much. And After the Fall (The Fallen Men #4) by Giana Darling. This book was so intense, holy crap. So much happened in this one and gosh it ruined me, but it was also fantastic.
3. New release you haven’t read yet but want to
So many! But I still need to read Check, Please!, Book 2: Sticks & Scones by Ngozi Ukazu, I have my copy and I just haven’t picked it up yet. But I think I will get to it this month. I’m also still waiting for my copy of Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo. I’ve only heard amazing things about it so far, and I want my copy now.
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year:
I’m so excited for Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett, this was supposed to be mid-year but it got pushed back to November and I can’t wait! I love Jenn Bennett and this one sounds like it’s exactly my type of book. I also cannot wait for Blood & Honey (Serpent & Dove #2) by Shelby Mahurin. Serpent & Dove was one of my favourite books last year and I cannot wait to get back into this world.
5. Biggest disappointment
This has to be Fix Her Up (Hot & Hammered #1) by Tessa Bailey. I was so angry and disappointed with this book I can’t even explain. You can read more about my thoughts in a discussion I had with Ely. But I was just so upset with a lot of this book.
6. Biggest surprise
The books for this up are some of my recent reads. I just finished Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes and it was fantastic! I’m so angry that it took me so long to pick this one up. But thanks to my Best Friends picks my TBR challenge I’m doing. I had to. And then I also have to mention Rebel (Women Who Dare #1) by Beverly Jenkins. I was not expecting to love this book as much as I did. You can check out my review now!
7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)
This has to be Nic Stone. I got Dear Martin last year when I was in the US, and only picked it up recently, and gosh it was fantastic. It was beautifully written and I cannot wait to read more from Nic. I’m excited for Dear Justyce which is coming out in September.
8. Newest fictional crush.
This one is hard, come on. I love falling in love with characters in books. But I love Teddy Taualai from Making Friends with Alice Dyson by Poppy Nwosu, Jordy from Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes and Camden Daniels from Great and Precious Things by Rebecca Yarros. They are all so different but I love them all so much.
9. Newest favourite character.
Ohh another hard one for me. But all the main characters from Chain of Gold (The Last Hours #1) by Cassandra Clare. I think they might be some of my favourite group of characters from Clare. I just love them all so much. I love their banter and everything else. I cannot wait to see more of them in the coming books.
10. Books that made you cry.
I cry at everything people! I just do. I’m a mess all the time. But the ones that ruined me are How It Feels to Float by Helena Fox, Great and Precious Things by Rebecca Yarros and Dear Martin by Nic Stone. All these books made me cry in different ways. But they all got me good.
11. A Book that made you happy.
While I do cry a lot in books, there are so many that just make me so happy reading them. So far this year The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune has taken the cake. I smiled so much through this book. If I was reading this in public, people would have thought I was strange. But this book gave me so much feels, you can check out my full review and see why.
12. The most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received)
I brought this beautiful box set from the 10th anniversary of Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I love this box set so much! It’s just so stunning. And they look so nice together as well!
13. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
All of them? I have so many books that I want to read, but by the end of the year, I want to read The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil #1) by Soman Chainani – Because my little sister has warned me that my books will start to disappear. I also want to read Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds, I’m waiting for my copy to come into work, but I want to read this one, as well as The Duke and I (Bridgertons #1) by Julia Quinn
14. Favourite Book Community Member
There are so many people that I can mention here, so many. But I will try and keep it smallest. Firstly if you don’t follow Ely, my best friend. The person that gets me through most days. And she is also on booktube! Ashley from Bookish Realm is an gem! If you don’t follow Jean Bookishthought I don’t know what you are doing with your life. She is fantastic. Francina Simone videos are fantastic and so well thought out. They are something to watch. And I have been following Nick from The Infinite Limits Of Love and if you love your romance books so do you.
And that is it for this post! How has your reading been going so far this year? What have been your favourites? What has disappointed you? Do we share anything that is the same? Let’s chat!