Book Review: Silver Shadows (Bloodlines #5) by Richelle Mead
Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead
Pages:380 (paperback)
Publish date:29 July 2014
Publisher:Penguin Australia, Puffin, Razorbill
ISBN: 0141350180
Purchase: Book Depository – Amazon UK – Amazon US – Amazon AU
Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets—and human lives.
In The Fiery Heart, Sydney risked everything to follow her gut, walking a dangerous line to keep her feelings hidden from the Alchemists.
Now in the aftermath of an event that ripped their world apart, Sydney and Adrian struggle to pick up the pieces and find their way back to each other. But first, they have to survive.
For Sydney, trapped and surrounded by adversaries, life becomes a daily struggle to hold on to her identity and the memories of those she loves. Meanwhile, Adrian clings to hope in the face of those who tell him Sydney is a lost cause, but the battle proves daunting as old demons and new temptations begin to seize hold of him. . . .
Their worst fears now a chilling reality, Sydney and Adrian face their darkest hour,
Silver Shadows:
I received a copy of Silver Shadows from Penguin Australia. This in no way has influenced my review. This review will contain spoilers from the Vampire Academy series and the previous Bloodlines books. It will NOT contain spoilers from Silver Shadows.
I love Richelle Mead. I cannot explain how much. With each book she writes everything just seems to be getting better and better and I don’t even know how. Silver Shadows is pure brilliance and, in my eyes, a masterpiece.
I cannot control my fangirling at all. But what VA/Bloodlines fan can? There were so many moments in this book that I wanted to scream and dance. I read Silver Shadows in less than 12 hours. As soon as I received it and picked it up I could not put it down. From the first page the story grips you and you cannot put it down. Richelle Mead’s writing is breathtaking and gripping.
Like The Fiery Heart, Silver Shadows is told from both Sydney and Adrian’s point of view. And let me tell you, Richelle Mead knows how to write from two perspectives. You can tell who is who even without having each chapter title.
We’ll be together soon. In real life. The center will hold.
At the end of The Fiery Heart we are left with a massive cliff hanger and it doesn’t get better for either Sydney or Adrian. I wanted to hug them both and cry with them. Sydney, as we know, is in rehabilitation and it’s not great, not at all. She suffers in so many ways that I cannot explain. Sydney is so strong throughout the whole series and she becomes so much stronger in Silver Shadows and I admire her so much more.
Adrian, oh my poor Adrian. I wanted to hit him across the head sometimes. I also wanted to hold him in my arms. I just wanted to make everything better. We really got to see a lot more of Adrian, the real Adrian. Richelle Mead captures the true emotions of her characters so much. And we feel those emotions too and it’s heartbreaking. He made some wonderful decisions and some, let’s just say a ‘Really Adrian’ is needed. Why, why why.
The romance. Oh how I feel for both Sydney and Adrian. Not even the universe wants them together. But those times, those times that I could not keep a smile off my face were brilliant. Adrian and Sydney are just so beautiful together.
To be told that was a sham, that all love was a sham, couldn’t have come at a worse time. I didn’t believe it, of course. I knew there was real love out there. I’d experienced it firsthand…
We get to know quite a few new characters in this book. They were all very intriguing. Duncan is one of the new characters that I really enjoyed reading about. He was different, but still quite the same. Even though at times he annoyed me and got on my nerves because of things that he said and did. But I know that his intentions were in the right place.
We also got to see a lot of our old characters as well. I loved seeing Rose and Dimitri. I always love seeing them and we even got to see that playful side of Rose that we haven’t seen in a while. I also loved, like a lot, the scene with Dimitri and Adrian even though it might have not ended the best way, it was still nice to see. Lissa on the other hand. . .
Lissa, I love you girl, but please just stop. I wanted to hit her across the face just so many times I cannot explain. Everything that came out of her mouth just got on my nerves like you wouldn’t believe. But I guess Lissa has always sort of been like this, but something just ticked me off.
We finally get to see some faces that we only know names to and it’s really nice and thrilling at first, but then we see those people that we don’t want to see at all. They made my blood boil and yours will too.
Okay, let me try and say something without giving anything away. Okay I can’t say anything that won’t give it away. But I know that you will know what I am talking about when you get to it and then we can all fangirl like crazy people. Because I was screaming around the house at 9 at night because of this and I just OMG. I love you Richelle Mead so bloody much. Trust me all of you will love it. Well I hope you do. Okay it is just so amazing and I cannot stop fangirling. None of you will not be able to do the same, not after you get to this bit. It’s just so cute and I cannot control myself.
For a moment, there was a part of me that was a little more in love with her than ever.
But, then again, I can hate you as well. Another cliff hanger. Why do you do this to us Richelle? Why hurt us, stitch up our hearts, then rip them out again? But you are the queen of cliff hangers that I can give you.
There were so many times that I was on the edge of my seat. Turning one page after another, wanting to know what was going to happen next. Richelle Mead is unbelievable she grips you from the start and hold you on a leash. She doesn’t let go. You cannot anticipate what is going to happen next because she can pull something out of a hat that will turn it all upside town.
Silver Shadows is utterly breathtaking, heart gripping and sensational. It’s Richelle Mead’s best work yet. It is a magical piece of work that pulls you right in, waiting for more.
Have you read the Bloodlines books yet, what did you think of them? Have you read Silver Shadows? What did you think of it?