Discussion: ‘I Read the book before you!’
I haven’t seen it happen recently but I have seen it happen a lot in the past few years and that is people slamming and putting down others for not reading book when they come out or only reading it because of ‘hype.’
It’s has been going on for years especially with all these book to movie adaptations coming out, it’s rude and so annoying. I hear it all the time ‘I was a fan before the movie’, ‘I read the book as soon as it came out’, ‘you just read the book because of the movie’, ‘I read the book before you’ and so on.
I just don’t comprehend why people put down others and what fun they get out of it, but it hurts people’s feelings. Some people don’t reads books and if after watching a book to movie adaptation they want to go buy and read the book, they shouldn’t be ashamed.
People shouldn’t be ashamed for reading books especially if they normally don’t read books. People likewise should not be putdown when they read a book that according to some people are just reading it to follow a ‘trend’ or because of the ‘hype’ but what these people don’t understand is that is how books get popular, how authors get popular and how books selling thrives
Books need hype so it’s just not reviewers reading them but readers that are not ‘all into’ the world of books like we are as well as none readers. If books make the top 10 then people are more likely going to pick it up and read it. It is how everything works in this world.
It’s saddening to hear and see that people have the nerve to put down people who have read the book late. Because at some point they would have been in the opposite situation and would be the one getting shamed.
Furthermore I understand that some people do get attached to certain books and don’t want others to read it nonetheless the more people who read is glorious for our community. More people need to read and whatever way they are drawn to the book should not matter. They can get an ARC, read it as soon as it comes out or even months after when there I so much hype surrounding the book. But people are reading.
I didn’t read The Hunger Games until I heard about the movie, at the time I wasn’t in the blogging community, I was 11/12 and didn’t read the books until just before the first movie came out. I didn’t get hate directly but I did see it around and not only did it make me angry but upset as well. People should be praised for reading, as not many people do it nowadays but instead people are getting loathed for reading books so ‘late.’
I don’t really see it around bloggers all that much but I do see it more with booktubers. I am not hating on them or anything but I do noticed that when some are talking about certain books they have to mention, that they were a fan from the start or before the movie or hype even started and there is no need for it. It doesn’t just hurt people’s feelings but it also makes the person look bad. They may not have intended to hurt people but sometimes comments like that do.
I wouldn’t normally talk about something like this but I have just witnessed it too much of it. Have you ever been slammed down for reading books when they have been ‘hype’ or after the movies has come out? Am I the only one that has noticed this or do you guys feel the same way?