I decided to start this new feature out of a whim. I have been thinking about starting something new for a while and then, What the hell is going to happen? Popped into my head. This feature is for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. books in a series that I need to gush about and discuss what I think is going to happen, and also what I want to happen in the next book/s. I would also like to read your thoughts, so please leave your thoughts below, or if have made a similar post link me so I can read it.
Without further ado, the first What the hell is going to happen? Is none other than The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead, which comes out Feb 10th.
If you know Richelle Mead, then you know that one of the things that she does best is cliff hangers, and the ending of sliver shadows had a cliff hanger indeed.
So what is going to happen in The Ruby Circle? That is the question on everyone’s lips.
There is going to be spoilers from now on, just for anyone that hasn’t read the Vampire Academy or Bloodlines books. Stop! Go read them, then come back. Also, these are all my thoughts and predictions; I may be wrong, I may be right. (I am pretty sure most of these are wrong, but oh well.)
Firstly I know the question that is on everyone’s lips is:
Who the hell took Jill?
After the shock of Adrian and Sydney getting married, now we have the heartache of not knowing where Jill is. If you thought everything was going to be alright, then you haven’t read a Richelle Mead book before because come on no one is ever safe in the hands of Mrs Mead.
I was one of the first readers to finish Silver Shadows as I received it for review, (you can check out my review here) and I had all these ideas flowing through my head on what had happened, but I could not talk about it to anyone so it was really hard keeping my mouth shut, but once everyone started to read it I started to doubt my thoughts.
Pretty much everyone assumed it was the Alchemists and it just didn’t strike me as something that the Alchemists would do. What does Jill really have to do with anything? They try to stay out of the vampire world as best as they can, so why try to steal someone so important. It could not really have been for a bargain to get Sydney back because this pretty much happened at the same time as Sydney’s escape and the standoff at court.
So who really took Jill? I have no real clue, I just have a feeling that it wasn’t the Alchemists. It might be an Alchemist as a lone wolf but I highly doubt that.
Furthermore, I do have a feeling that whoever took Jill does have magic, because even though Angeline is unstable and still learning the tricks of the trade, she would in my thought protect Jill with everything she has. (I may be delusional but I think that she would.) So it has to be more than one person or one person with magic and I am heading to the magic part.
I just really want to know who really took Jill and why.
For all we know it could be some rogue Moroi that doesn’t want Lissa to be Queen. We know that they exist; maybe they have found where Jill has been hiding and have taken her. Who knows? Well Richelle Mead does.
More Spirit
I want to know more about spirit, especially how to use spirit and not go insane or turn your bonded pair insane.
I want Lissa, Adrian, Sonya and everyone else with Spirit to learn how to control it, so they are not hurting themselves and their Spirit-bond pair.
Also Adrian is alarming with me the way he ‘talks’ with Tatiana. I know that he loves her, but she is dead and he needs to walk away from all this or else I am afraid that something horrible is going to happen. I know it’s going to be a long road for him but I want this all sorted in this book. I’ll be alright knowing that spirit uses can survive on their own and won’t go insane.
Nevertheless, I also don’t want Jill to do a Rose on us and let the darkness take over. Jill does not have the strength like Rose does to forgive herself. It will haunt her forever. Don’t get me wrong, I am not calling Rose heartless, but she was trained to kill her whole life and I think she is handling it a lot better than Jill would.
Furthermore, I don’t won’t another broken bond. I really want the bond between Lissa and Rose to rekindle, but I highly doubt that. In saying that Adrian and Jill’s bond cannot be broken, I refuse to believe that this can or will happen. They both need each other. At the start Adrian wasn’t really bothered on how his life was effecting Jill but then he came to care. It might have been the influence of Sydney, but it was good for him and Jill.
Tag Teams
This tweet is all that needs to be said. Come on, I loved the banter and friendship between Rose and Sydney and now from the sounds of it they are teaming up. Hell to the yer. This I cannot wait to read! I also need more Christian and Rose tag team. Come on, whoever says they don’t love these two working together is lying. I am telling you. We also need more Badass Belikov and Rose together these two. Pow wow.
More Eddie
Eddie is pretty much one of my favourite characters and I need more and from Penguin Australia Teen spoiler free reaction tweets I am guessing we are going to see a lot more Eddie and nothing makes me smile more than that. Expect maybe Romitri babies but that is for another time.
Sisterly love
I really hope that Zoe sees the bright side and realises what the Alchemist are really doing. She needs a good knock on the head. I want her to see how unhappy both Sydney and Carly were and how, even if it’s only slightly, happier they are now. Sydney is married! Isn’t that saying something? I also want more Carly, we got, what, not even 5 minutes of her and I loved her. I really want her to team up with our beloved VA/Bloodlines members and kick her daddy’s ass. And maybe fall in love on the way (okay I can’t help it. I am a sucker for happy endings).
I also want more connection between Lissa and Jill. My heart breaks for both of these girls but I want Lissa to be the older sister and stand up and just be there for Jill. If we ever see her again.
More badass Sydney and Adrian
Do I need to say anything more? Come on, who didn’t love how aweosme Sydney and Adrian were at the end of Silver Shadows. They were sassy and fierce. The Ruby Circle needs more of this.
I need some sexy time with these two. Come on they are married now and we all know what that means: honeymoon time. Okay they might not have time for one, but we need some romance and beautiful scenes. We just need them okay.
Burn Baby Burn
I need Christian setting things on fire okay. Actually, I need Moroi to use their powers and kick ass. Imagine everyone teaming up, enemies burning to crisp or falling through the group, drowning. Okay, pretty horrible deaths but how awesome would it be.
Epic Ending (or not)
The Ruby Circle is going to be epic, and I just need everyone to be happy, well not the bad people obviously. I hope that most loose ends will be tied up and we can finally have a little peace. I also need to find out what this means!!!
Until Richelle answers all our prayers and writes another at least 6 book series. I say this directly to Mrs. Mead herself. Pretty please with very sexy Dimitri on top, please write some more.
What are your thoughts? What the hell is going to happen? Are you ready? Because I am in no way ready.