Shadowhunters: Season 3 Episode 1
Episode Name: On Infernal Ground
Release date: 20 March 2018
Running Time: 42 minutes
Starring Katherine McNamara, Dominic Sherwood, Alberto Rosende, Matthew Daddario, Emeraude Toubia, Isaiah Mustafa, Harry Shum Jr.
Directed By: Matt Hastings
Watch: Freeform (US) – Netflix (Worldwide)
Episode Reviews: Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3
Secrets abound as the Shadowhunters and Downworlders try to get back to normal after Valentine’s death. Clary struggles with keeping her secret about Raziel’s wish, while Alec pushes Jace to come clean about whatever Jace and Clary are hiding. Luke must use tough love to keep his secret hidden from Ollie who is on a warpath for answers. And Magnus hides his true feelings about his new position in the Warlock community from Alec. Meanwhile, Lilith sets a plan in motion in New York City as Simon spends time in the Seelie Court.
On Infernal Ground:
Shadowhunters is back! Do you know how much I missed it? Especially with no books to get me through the break. With how season 2 ended, I really didn’t know what was going to happen next, but let me tell you, I am so excited. I have reviewed both season 1 and season 2 and cannot wait to share my thoughts on season 3. So let’s go!
On Infernal Ground starts not long after the end of season 2. Valentine is dead, the shadow world has some peace, and Jonathon is dead. Or is he? Now with Valentine dead, Clary can finally become an official Shadowhunter and it was really nice to see some peace in the show. As well as seeing more Shadowhunter rituals.
There was a beautiful moment with Clary and Jace that just warmed my heart. You could see how proud Jace was of her and what she has done. We also get to see some of Jace’s real emotions in this scene. It’s the first time that he is able to see his true parents graves and it’s heartbreaking.
But while all this is happening Clary and Jace are still trying to keep the secret of Raziel’s wish. And Clary is really having a hard time keeping it hidden. With both Alec and Izzy hinting there is something more, Clary wants to tell Alec especially.
Meanwhile, there is a new demon on the loose.
Meanwhile in On Infernal Ground, Luke also has to deal with his cop partner Ollie. Who last season, saw some interesting things. While Luke tries to persuade her that the things she saw aren’t real, the shadow world isn’t hiding from her. Obviously, this is totally different from the books, but I am finding it really interesting. And we find out why she is so interested in finding out as well. Intrigued to see where they take this storyline.
Along with Clary now being an official Shadowhunter, she has to choose her weapon. And while it isn’t done as it is in the books, the outcome is still the same. It still brings up the same emotions and power as it did in the books. And that scene between Clary and Luke was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. You can see that they both care for one another, as well as sharing the grief of Joycelyn.
After the downfall of Valentine, Magnus is demounted from his role of High Warlock of New York. On the outside, he seems like, he’s going okay and tries to put on a brave face for Alec. But we know he isn’t. And throughout the episode we see Alec find out the truth. We really get to see a ‘human’ side of Magnus in this episode. We see him feel and hurt, but we also see him want to protect Alec in a way. I love seeing these two together, they just make me smile, like crazy.
We start to see Lilith in On Infernal Ground. And she is going to let hell loose. I am so excited to see where her storyline goes and it’s going to get crazy.
We don’t get to see much of Simon in this episode, but oh boy was it exciting. What happens really set’s up the rest of the season. And hell I cannot wait.
Overall, I really enjoyed On Infernal Ground. It was a great way to start the season. With a little action here and there, that’s is going to play a big part overall. Have you watched episode 1 of season 3 yet? What did you think of it? Are you planning on watching it? Let’s Chat!
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