Diversity is something I always strive to see in YA. Diversity is something that we need and something that we want. So today I am announcing something special and quite close to me. It’s called Disability Diaries, it’s a week long feature of reviews, recommendations and even personal posts. Basically, it’s everything and anything to do with disabilities and trying to show it’s portrayal in books.
Joining me will be Ely @ Tea and Titles, Cee Arr @ Diary of a Reading Addict, Dina @ Dinasoaur, Jolien @ The Fictional Reader, and Lara @ Another Teen Reader.
Recently for University, I did a research essay on Diversity in YA and through my research, I found that disabilities aren’t that common. This is quite dishearting that such comma things are not present in what we read today. I want to be able to spread the awareness of disabilities and share more of it in YA. Create diversity in what we see and how it is portrayed.
Disability Diaries will run from 14th to the 21st of January 2017. If you would love to join in on the conversation then please fill in the google form below. You don’t have to sign up, to enjoy our posts. But if you’d like to contribute your own posts during the event, it means we can share your posts much easier. We will be chatting all over on twitter about this – so don’t forever to follow us.
This feature is going to be exciting and a lot of fun. It’s going to be interesting, and important week. Nevertheless, please if you have any questions you can ask me here or even on twitter. You can find me on twitter at @angel_reads, Facebook, instagram, tumblr and Goodreads. You can also follow Angel Reads on Bloglovin and via email (in the sidebar)
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