Demon Road by Derek Landy
Pages: 508
Publish date: 27th August 2015
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 9780008141233
Purchase: Book Depository – Amazon UK – Amazon US – Amazon AU
Killer cars, vampires, undead serial killers: they’re all here. And the demons? Well, that’s where Amber comes in…Sixteen years old, smart and spirited, she’s just a normal American teenager until the lies are torn away and the demons reveal themselves.
Forced to go on the run, she hurtles from one threat to another, revealing a tapestry of terror woven into the very fabric of her life. Her only chance rests with her fellow travellers, who are not at all what they appear to be…
Demon Road:
I wasn’t going to read Demon Road by Derek Landy, when I first read about it. It didn’t seem like a book that I wasn’t going to life, it wasn’t something that I normally read. I have only read a couple of books that had a horror elements. However, after reading so many reviews about it, I needed to pick it up.
I haven’t read anything else from Derek Landy so I didn’t have anything to go by. I didn’t know what his writing style was like or how he wrote his characters, but after reading Demon Road I want to read his other works because I love it.
Demon Road follows protagonist Amber on a road trip of a lifetime. And not the road trip that you do after your final year of school, but the road trip that you see in supernatural, that includes killer cars, vampires, and undead serial killers. Teaming up with Milo and Glen, Amber is in for the ride of her life.
“If you can’t stand to be alone with your thoughts, maybe there’s something wrong with your thoughts.”
Landy writing style is easy to read and simple, there is nothing hard about it and even teens on the younger side will be able to read Demon Road. I loved the wit of Demon Road, the dialogue was sharp and hit you right in the chest, and it was different and fun.
I loved the characterisation of Landy characters. They were fun, different and bright.
Amber was an interesting protagonist. She has just found out that she is a demon and can shift into her demon; sometimes not on her own will and now she is on the run because people are trying to kill her. I liked that didn’t get all down on herself for the post part. She has this, sassy attitude that I loved. It was also nice to see that she was worried about killing people, she is this demon and sometimes she can’t control it, she was afraid that she would so something in the demon form that she wouldn’t want to do in her human form.
The very oh-secretive Milo. I adored Milo, it was so serious all the time, but the kind that contrasts Amber’s sassiness. He was there to protect Amber as much as he could. His secret was very cool and so excited to see what comes from it in the next book.
“how easily the hunter can become the prey. All it takes is a new perspective.”
Glen, well let’s just say that I didn’t like him…at all. He was an idiot and annoying and I wanted to slap him around. All I wanted was for Amber and Milo to leave him and not look back. All the flirting with Amber was also truly infuriating.
There is not many books that I read that doesn’t have romance, so it was hard for me to read Demon Road in that concept. Also the book was big, it was over 500 pages and something everything got too much. There were unnecessary scenes and things that happened.
Nevertheless, Demon Road was fasted paced and full of action, there was rarely a page that didn’t have action. I loved all the supernatural creatures. There are things happening left, right and centre. Good things happened and horrific things happened. And so many things happened that I don’t know what side they were on.
The ending, wow, what a way to end the first book in a series. It was fast and quite unexpected. I cannot wait to see what the next book has.
Overall, Demon Road was a fun, sassy and gruesome read. That showed that sometimes the outside of people can be deceiving. However, it also shows that sometimes people can be good and evil all at the same time. I look forward to the next adventure in this road trip of a lifetime.

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