1. The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend by Kody Keplinger: Such an interesting and unique story line that really changed my views on alot of things.
2. Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor: From interesting and uniquw characters of not only Karou but everyone else to the interesting setting and places that the books take us along.
3. AngelFall by Susan Ee: This is no typical Angel Story, it is so damn interesting and unique like nothing that I have read before.
4. Me Since You by Laura Wiess: There are just so many unique Character is Me Since You, I loved both Rowan and Eli.
5. Autumn (Dog Days Series) by Sierra Dean: Okay this is not about people turning into wolves but coyotes, if i don’t say that is unique myself I don’t know what is.
6. Looking for Alaska by John Green: Before this I had never read a book that had a before and after, it really added depth but also made the novel unique…to me.
7. Delirium by Lauren Oliver: A place where love is a disease.
8. Harry Potter by J.K Rowling: Do I need to say more.
9. Psycho Inside Me by Bonnie R. Paulson: We are inside a mind of someone who murders people…pretty unique if I say so myself.
So that’s my list. Yes, yes I know it’s not 10, but that is all of the books that I could think of. What books are most unique to you?
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